Nueces de Calonge provides about 2000 kg of natural shelled walnuts as medicinal food for health and sick people.
Madrid, April 1, 2020: Almaco de Guadalquivir SL, owner of the largest walnut plantation in Spain on a single border, has donated its stock of shelled walnuts to the hospital installed in the Ifema fairgrounds in Madrid, set up to deal with the spread of COVID-19.

The management of Nueces de Calonge has decided to take this solidarity initiative thanks to the proposal of its employees to donate close to 2,000 kg of natural walnuts, with great flavor and dark color, from the 2019 harvest. A decision made with the main objective of contributing health, as well as flavor and sustainability in these difficult times of health crisis.
“More than food, we produce medicines”, and in that idea “We consider it an absolute priority to contribute our grain of sand to the commendable work of the health workers at the Hospital, in addition to being able to help provide energy to the same health workers, patients or people in need that IFEMA is coordinating and sheltering"- says the Directorate of Calonge Walnuts.

A true super food that we must consume daily and that now, more than ever, must be contributing all its benefits to the humanitarian cause carried out in Ifema, and all this thanks to the solidarity of the employees of Nueces de Calonge. Yet another company that joins the cause and contributes its grain of sand.